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Hall of Fame


Patrick  Maguire

Patrick Maguire

Inductee: 50

Whiskies - 2018

Patrick Maguire is one of the pioneers of the modern Australian whisky distilling industry. Born and raised in Hobart, Tasmania, about as far from Scotland as you can get. In earlier days, when not looking down a microscope in a pathology lab he was building and working a pub at Ben Lomond in Tasmania’s north east highlands. A keen skier and sailor, he is on the snow or water any chance he gets. His whisky story begins in 1999 when he started work as a distiller at the Tasmania Distillery (later to become Sullivans Cove Distillery) where he went from employee to head distiller and part owner of the distillery.

After years of working the still, rolling barrels, filling bottles, controlling the accounts, developing marketing plans and travelling the world to introduce people to his award winning Sullivans Cove Tasmanian single malt whisky his efforts were rewarded as markets in Europe, North America, Asia and Australian began to open up.

A founding member of the Tasmanian Whisky and Spirits Association (TWSA) and the Australian Distillers Association (ADA) Patrick continues to work to strengthen the development of the emerging Australian whisky industry, to achieve excise tax reform and is actively involved with the development of distilling education programs to assist newcomers to the Australian distilling industry.

No one does these things alone, Patrick attributes these successes to the support and patience of his distillery partners Pete James and Dwayne Hill who provided the backing and gave him the freedom and the time to create the highest quality single malt he could using Tasmanian grown barley.Thanks also go to the all distillery crew past and present, in particular, his brother Bruce and cousin Philip “Jacko” Jackson for their sustained commitment and ‘hands on’ support in the early days of the business and over the many years since.

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